Every time I hear about another high-quality news outlet like DCist shuttering its doors, I’m transported back to the early ’90s — the heady days of daredevil and sweeps-week TV journalism: It’s every Houstonian’s worst nightmare! Tonight — Our reporter shows you: What to do if your car drives into a bayou! It’s every Houstonian’s
Dear PR Guy, Please help! I keep reading on listservs and social that it’s almost impossible to prove ROI for nonprofit communications. Now my executive director wants to know how we’re doing, and I don’t have a clue what to tell her. Signed, Stressing in Silver Spring Dear Stressing, First, take a deep breath and
Dear PR Guy, Are you and your profession happy that the truth is finally dead? Signed, Wondering in Northwest Dear Wondering, Although these are surely depressing times, the PR Guy takes some solace in believing the truth isn’t dead. It’s just buried. It used to get buried under an avalanche of accuracy. Back in the
Dear PR Guy: While applying for PR internships, would you have any suggestions beyond barraging different firms with resumes/letters of interest? A way to make it more personal without it looking either A) desperate or B) like a match.com application? Signed, Don’t Want to Be “Match.com” PR Guy once applied for a series of jobs
Dear PR Guy: Why are nonprofit executive directors (not all, but a lot) so reluctant to call reporters up on the phone? They ask foundations and individuals for millions of dollars without blinking, but the thought of calling a prominent columnist or key reporter about a story idea turns them to mush. Is that why
Dear PR Guy: I heard at the Communications Network conference in Philadelphia you got into it with some folks about the use of the word “branding” when it comes to foundation communications. I guess I have two questions: Are you a stuck-in-the-80s pitch-and-spin-guy who’s just not caught up with the times, or do you really think this actually
Dear PR Guy, I’m in a jam. How can I communicate the need for sustainable practices that protect the environment while saving people money when oil is practically free these days by historic standards? Worried in Wichita Dear Worried, First off, STOP TALKING ABOUT HOW THE POINT OF ACTING SUSTAINABLY IS ALL ABOUT SAVING MONEY!!!